Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another Floyd Update

Here's another update from Floyd's new family. It looks like he's becoming even friendlier and more social as time goes by.I wanted to give you an update on Mr. Floyd. He's doing remarkably well. I couldn't ask for a better match of personalities. He's turned into quite the laid back, but doesn't take crap from Ludi, my sister's adult male cat.

He rubs up against Ludi, Ludi growls, hisses, but Floyd just seems to shrug it off. Ludi doesn't get nastier with him, despite all the vocalized irritation and I catch them in moments of cuddling or laying together. It's really sweet how much Floyd idolizes Ludi but maintains his sweet disposition. He also does not let him bully him. Just does what he wants to anyways. Ludi, taken back, just walks away in a huff!

Boomer (the chihuahua pup) and Floyd are best friends. They play constantly and Floyd usually wants to sleep with my sister because Boomer sleeps with her. Unfortunately they have a tendency to wake and commense a WWF championship round on top of her, so now Floyd is banished from sleeping in her room! He doesn't seem to like to sleep with me, but occasionally I wake to find him at my feet or attacking my leg.

He is very affectionate. He can't go 30 minutes without checking back in with me, bumping his head against my cheek, or meowing in his sweet, sing-songy meow. He isn't as affectionate with my sister, so I guess that's his way of showing he knows I'm his.

He's grown so much, but is still a small cat. His legs are like stilts and my friends refer to him as "the panther." He's very sleek and regal looking and he is losing his kitten looks. It's amazing how fast they grow! He's probably 8lbs now. Oh and his eyes are bottle green on the inside, gold on the outisde, very striking.

He's become friendlier and less afraid of "strangers." I've started taking him to my best friend's house when we knit and he's getting to know her two kittens that are a little older than he is, maybe a month or two.

He's great, a total furry little bundle of love. I can't thank you enough.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Get ready for National Feral Cat Day!

Certainly, there are a lot of "national name-your-favorite noun" days, but this one is particularly close to my heart these days.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Your moment o' cuteness, part 2

One of the sweetest things I've ever seen is the amazing connection between Rififi and Clementine. They sleep curled up together, groom each other, and chase each other throughout the house. They're the best of friends ... so far. Dan says the real test will come as Clementine gets a little bigger and less kittenish. Will a power play ensue? Only time will tell, but for now, these cats are nothing short of adorable together.

Pico: Just peachy!

This weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting Pico and his new family at their home. Pico has become quite a stunning cat; almost all of his "kitteny" looks are gone. Strangely enough, Pico is definitely the largest of the three kittens now: his paws are gigantic, and he's quite "tall" in cat terms. Pico, who is also occasionally known by the moniker "Peaches," loves to watch the world from the second-story loft in his new home, and enjoys playing with homemade cat toys his people construct for him out of shoeboxes and paper. He's definitely a lucky cat!